My Vision

What motivates me to write this Blog?

What do I want to accomplish?

On this page I will highlight to you where I come from and what my background is. I will also tell you my vision and motivation for the Blog and in the end you will see a milestone tracker that you can follow with me – where I want to be and what I want to achieve with this.

What is my background?

If you ask me what the single most influential circumstance was that brought me to creating this blog it is the following: I grew up and live in Germany, which for the last 16 years has been ruled by the same chancellor, and her party.

She is a product of her generation. A generation that got succesful with looking at what others do, learning from it and then doing it better, to export it.

This mantra “Wait until the Germans are doing it” has become the leading Mantra for their generation.

However the world has changed. It moves quicker, it is not so much defined by mechanical engineering anymore than by software engineering and whole industries are reshaping as the power, chances and possibilities aswell as dangers of digitization transform every aspect of our life.

However, not in Germany.

The principe of this government has been managing the current situation, but not taking a risk for the future and definitely no investment.

This has bevome more and more apparent in the Corona crisis, which is the sparking event that has motivated me to write the blog.

Health ministeries are still sending infection updates per fax, and even new software capabilities are not being utilized because ‘they are used to it’ meaning sending it via fax.

Spin this attitude and governance into the future and you’ll see how this place will become a backward low quality of life place.

What is my motivation?

So you know what I’ve grown up to – technological and digital stagnation.

What is my motivation then?

With this blog I want to inform, educate but also excite about the future.

To many times especially in popular culture we look into the future with a dystopian view.

It might be disputed among historians where we are moving – some say we are at the end of a positive cycle, others say things are generally getting better since the Renaissance – but whatever way we are going, I don’t just want to sit and spectate.

Honestly, I am tired of making disgruntled comments about the state of digitization to friends and family. I want to do my part to reach out and spread knowledge, ideas and thoughts.

But if you are a reader from another country, you might ask yourself why this is relevant for you.

To this I have a clear message – every country has a state of their digitization, every country has their hickups and areas of improvement. In the end the future concerns every single one of us.

I am a global person, I grew up with two nationalities and languages.

My girlfriend is from another country and continent – with another language. If I would write in German or only for Germany, half the people I know couldn’t partake in my writing.

So no matter where you are from, I am thankful for your taking part in this journey, and appreciate every moment that you spend on this page.

Let’s create the future together, and for better good.

Checklist – Notesfrom2050 Tracker

Here you can check individual achievements and where I want to get with this blog.

  • Launch the blog – DONE
  • Create my first post – DONE
  • Have my first international visitors – DONE (thanks to Denmark, the US and China)
  • Get my first reaction (comment, mail, interaction)
  • Write 10 blog posts
  • Publish an interview
  • Have a collaboration with another blog/podcast/youtube channel
  • Email Newsletter
  • Have 1.000 monthly visitors
  • 1.000 followers on Instagram
  • 1.000 followers on Twitter
  • 10.000 monthly visitors
  • 10.000 followers on Instagram
  • 10.000 followers on Twitter
  • Add/start a podcast with visitors and guests
  • Add history content (maybe, if interest is there)
  • Launch a membership with more and higher quality content and community features (current pricing idea is 2€/month or similar in other currencies)
  • Write a book, containing new ideas but based on experience from this blog
  • Get rid of Impostor Syndrome 😉

Hey, if you have any idea what to add to this list, please let me know, I am happy to expand it.